Bezzecchi: Turn 1 contact ‘to avoid Pecco’, windscreen problem

Bezzecchi: Turn 1 contact ‘to avoid Pecco’, windscreen problem

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Bezzecchi: Turn 1 contact ‘to avoid Pecco’, windscreen problem

In the Japanese Grand Prix, Bezzecchi had to pick up his bike to avoid hitting Bagnaia, causing a chain reaction and Vinales to crash. Bezzecchi completed his first-ever MotoGP bike swap and made his way up the order in the wet conditions. He lost the podium position to Marquez due to visibility issues. Despite this, he finished in fourth place and remains third in the world championship standings. Team manager Pablo Nieto expressed satisfaction with their results but was disappointed to miss out on the podium due to the red flag. Bezzecchi’s teammate, Luca Marini, was sidelined due to a collarbone fracture but is expected to return for the next race in Indonesia.

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Source: Crash

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